
Thursday, May 22, 2014

YWAM Vancouver Update -Week 8

Hey friends and family!

I've been here at YWAM Vancouver for 8 weeks so far but it seems like I've been here forever. Only 4 more weeks! I've been learning and making so many decisions. We've had teachings on things like communication, identity, personalities and disciple making. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the past few weeks: 

  • "When we communicate, we are creating. We are taking something that doesn't exist physically (thought) and making it physical (word, art, movement etc). Be mindful of what you're creating." 
  • "True humility is knowing who you are, nothing more or nothing less." 
  • "Sometimes when we have so much, we forget how much we have." 

I have been learning so many things that not only I can use in missions BUT I also can use in every day life with others. Not to mention, my relationship with God is thriving and growing. 

Since being here I've made the decision to go to college this fall. I will be attending Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida and majoring in graphic design. I'm so pumped for this knew step in my life. Class of 2018! WOOHOO! 

I've also made the decision to postpone going on the outreach portion of my school until NEXT summer. At the end of June I will be flying back to Florida to begin preparing for college, spend time with my family and just relaxing (aka going to the beach!).

I am still raising money for the lecture phase of my school though. I need about $2,400 to pay it off entirely. I ask that you consider donating money to help me pay for my school. You can donate here:

Thank you all for your support and prayer!


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